Rugged Rosaries Prayer Wall

We have set up this rosary prayer wall for anyone who wants to request prayers or would like to use their rosary prayer intentions to help bring God’s strength, comfort, peace, and hope to others.

Share your prayer request below (anonymously, if you’d prefer), and pray for others at the same time. All prayer posts are moderated, so please allow 24 hours for your request to appear. Sorry, no political prayer requests.

When submitting an online prayer request, please know that this is not intended for urgent requests. If you have an urgent prayer request, please contact your church or priest.
Thank you and God bless you all. — The Rugged Rosaries Team

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Pray for eternal salvation of

Mandeep Singh,

Neha Yadav,

Parvez Sheikh,

Zubeda Sheikh,

Ujjwal Halder,

Ramlal Potai,

Abu Bakr,


Gaurav Dakhode,

Victoria Conceisao,

Balram Tiwari and

Sudesh Karkera.

Received: August 28, 2022