The Holy Rosary is so much more than a set of beads. The Rosary is strength, comfort, peace, and hope!
We have set up this rosary prayer wall for anyone who wants to request prayers or would like to use their rosary prayer intentions to help bring God’s strength, comfort, peace, and hope to others.
Share your prayer request below (anonymously, if you’d prefer), and pray for others at the same time. All prayer posts are moderated, so please allow 24 hours for your request to appear. Sorry, no political prayer requests.
When submitting an online prayer request, please know that this is not intended for urgent requests. If you have an urgent prayer request, please contact your church or priest.
Thank you and God bless you all. — The Rugged Rosaries Team

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. You can add it anonymously if you like. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
I ask in Jesus’s Name to get a good paying job that’s financially secure happy and stable and dignified that allows time for family and prayer and God
Marry my best friend Gabby Sweep her off her feet and really step up and prove myself worthy to hold her heart and that Gabby sees it’s good fruit
Provide for Gabby and our family and our children whatever God sees fit for our whole lives
Help me lead in this relationship with Gabby
And be a Saint Joseph to her a Godly Man and Father and to do Whatever God Wills
"Lord Jesus, please, guide ( Gabby ) today!" I Entrust her care and safety to you and ask you to bless her and our relationship. Guard her heart and all her faculties and bless her family
If it’s God’s Holy Will let Salvador and Marisol Razo let me marry their daughter Gabby
Received: August 1, 2024
Please pray in Jesus' Name for peace, protection, improvement, clean-up and The Lord's blessings upon our neighborhoods of Holland & Wheatsheaf.
Received: July 29, 2024
Please pray for strength, healing, protection and God's merciful blessings for Stephen, Marian, Carl and Robert. Asking this request in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying.
Received: July 29, 2024
Trey C
Please pray for my wife and me as we continue our journey from Evangelical Christianity to Catholicism. After being at my current church (where my extended family is) for over 35 years, extricating ourselves while attempting to not sever important relationships is proving difficult. There is so much misunderstanding. I just want them to see that we are pursuing the fullness of truth and not just going away mad.
Received: July 24, 2024
Please pray for my daughters. One left home on her 18th birthday almost a year ago and we haven't heard from her since February. No way to contact or find her. My 16 year old is severe autistic and is becoming more and more isolated. Only God can help.
Received: July 24, 2024
Please pray for employment for my husband. He recently lost his job.
Received: July 20, 2024
Please pray for a friend who has cancer in multiple places and is in ICU. St Peregrine, please intercede for her.
Received: July 11, 2024
Joe K
Please pray for my Wife Kathy who is undergoing treatment for cancer additionally pray for family friend Sue P who is hospitalized and under comfort care.
Received: July 10, 2024
After 15 years together my wife has filed for divorce to date a guy 17 years younger. She’s also left the Church to practice New Age Healing and spirituality. Please pray for restoration of our marriage and her relationship with Jesus.
Received: June 26, 2024
Javier G
Please pray for my family my brother has many issues and needs to go to doctors regularly and makes him miss lots of school so the teachers are mad about it and they are trying to separate us from our mother please pray for me god bless the world
Received: May 16, 2024
Pray for my friend's husband return to Mass and for a friend who is undergoing unknown sufferings; I hope she has at least one friend with her at her side.
Please pray for the people of China who are undergoing terrible sufferings and persecutions from the government.
Received: May 13, 2024
Sir good morning iam Daniel Chandra from Fiji Islands. Please request a prayer for myself, Prayer request in the area of prosperity and also protection from these demonic evil spirits. i am seeing many dreams. i had seen lots of dreams, Most of them are related to my home to my home and birthplace..Before we used to pray to hindu goods but now iam a but now iam a born again Christian. before we use to pray to hindu idols. my father shyam sundar and his father ram authar and their generation has sacrificed alcohol /pig/to hindu prayers/ hindu idols in our land where we were born. My mothers name is PUSPHA WATI and there are 3-4 dreams I see every night. In one of my dreams, i had been removing that hindu alter from my birth place and throwing it in the sea. Almost whole of my life, iam in lack of money and iam divorced with 2 children. This is the main reason why there has been so many divorces/pre-mature deaths in my family. These evil spirits are ancestral/ generational demonic spirits, they are watching and monitoring me and all my prayers and those churches that pray for me from a long time, they have tried to kill me many times before through accidents and even now they are doing their best, however i have prayed and because of lords Favour and ministries i had escaped many a times just narrowly, requesting protection for myself, my son Akshat Eleen Anubhav Chand and daughter Akiriti Ashyleen Ahana Chand from all demonic ancestral/ generational spirits from my father SHYAM SUNDAR HOUSE so that they will not be able to touch or steal any of our blessings, also from all physical body pains and torments that they give me. I can only hear their voices but can not see them, it is only through physical pains that I make out that they are evil spirits because lords will not torment. thank you.
Received: May 6, 2024
Please pray for my daughter Grace. She has lost her way and is far from God.
Please pray that God the Father Almighty draws her to Christ and away from her sinful life.
Thank you anyone that says a prayer for her.
Received: May 4, 2024
Please pray for my son to return to his Faith and to leave of sins of homosexuality.
Please pray for my daughter who is living an immoral life, may she also return to the Faith
Received: April 28, 2024
I pray for my family. I pray for my country and beg for forgiveness for our sins. I pray for better leadership in this nation. I want to thank Jesus for everything he has done for us.
Received: April 28, 2024
Please pray for God's intervention in problems at work and against bullying, for the blessing of my work and for the healing of my eyes and bladder, God bless you
Received: April 28, 2024
Lord Jesus give the ability to do Your Will At All Times!!Give me the Faith,Strength,and Energy to do Your Wiil.Show me Mercy for My Sins.
Received: April 23, 2024
Please pray for my dear friend Ann, whose husband has early alzheimer's, and she needs so much help. She needs your prayers for strength to keep going and not give up on both of them. Thank you all.